Created on July 2018, the Technology council is a structure that will provide information and knowledge exchange among visually impaired people across the country about technical devices, software products and systems designed for use by visually impaired people, promote and support innovation, adoption, adaptation and / or adopting new technological solutions for them.

Goals of the Technology council: Enhancing the capacity of organizations and people with disabilities to work and be part of the process of technological adaptation of modern ICT for independent living and social integration of visually impaired people.

Mission of the Technology Council: To create an environment that encourages and supports innovation, stimulates the adoption, adaptation and / or adoption of technological solutions for independent living and social integration of visually impaired people within an interoperable framework based on standards ) listed below.

Basic tasks of the Technology council:

 – continuously monitor the discovery of special technical devices and software products and systems designed for use by visually impaired persons by setting up and maintaining its information database;
– to establish and maintain permanent contacts with world-famous companies and organizations for the production of special high-tech products;
– together with all interested Bulgarian organizations for the blind who represent or are distributors of foreign specialized companies, the technological council develops common policies for using the achievements of the information revolution in Bulgaria;
– offers concrete optimal solutions for the import of special instruments, devices, apparatuses and electronic systems with multisensory functioning, in line with our national linguistic peculiarities;
-supports the development of online learning and the development of electronic textbooks;
– studies the Bulgarian production of universal design products by offering opportunities for their adaptation to the specific needs of visually impaired people;
– stimulates the opportunities for production and distribution of Bulgarian products in the field of special technologies for people with visual impairment;
– exploring the possibilities for the practical expansion of new professional opportunities for visually impaired people through new technologies;
– exploring the possibilities for the practical expansion of new professional opportunities for visually impaired people through new technologies;
– Encourages the development and adaptation of elementary means of independent and independent learning, rehabilitation and leisure by using so-called „low technology“ as measuring instruments, household appliances and various games;
– proposes to regional union organizations concrete forms of strong motivation of blind people to use products in the field of modern technology in everyday life, everyday life, cultural life and leisure.

Decisions of the Technology Council up to July 2018:
 – a meeting with Mr. Stoyan Mihov and discussions on the maintenance and development of speechlab;
– to contact Microsoft and talk about the development and improvement of Bulgarian synthesizer Ivan;
– Contact Nuance Vocalizer voices and negotiate on improving the Bulgarian synthesizer Daria;
– Make contact with the Software Developer Software to convert Braille to Music Notes.
– to gather and summarize information about the shortcomings of the speech synthesizers supporting the Bulgarian language we currently use.