The NRCB has started the implementation of the „Colors in the twilight – 55 years of integration through art for the visually impaired people in Bulgaria” Project, funded by the Agency for disabled people in Bulgaria under the Ministry of labor and social policy of the Republic of Bulgaria since 1.6.2021.  Its aim is to give voice and ceremoniously celebrate the 55-anniversary of the foundation of the NRCB and its role for the integration of the visually impaired people within society by presenting to the wide public the work of visually impaired people in the field of arts and crafts.

The project envisages the conducting of a 4-day art fest for the visually impaired in Bulgaria and the main focus of the event will be the conducting of a familiarisation meeting “Art as a way to social inclusion”, the interactive session “Draw without sight”, the art exhibition “Colors in the twilight” and exported art workshops in ceramics, fine arts and entertaining therapy. The participants in the meeting will be visually impaired people – regional representatives of the Union of the blind in Bulgaria; visually impaired people – users of the services, delivered in the Centers for social rehabilitation and integration in the country; a great part of the lecturers are visually impaired people as well, actively cooperating for the training and rehabilitation of the target group. The exhibition will be held in the town of Obzor, and it will consist of works of art, made by visually impaired people – present and previous service users from the NRCB and the Centers for social integration of visually impaired people. Visually impaired people will demonstrate their skill in the field of art in the exported art workshops. The interactive session “Draw without sight” will be held. People with and without visual impairment will draw pictures and the ones with no visual impairment will draw with masks on their eyes so that all participants will face equal circumstances.

We expect wide public resonance which will additionally increase its importance for our target group.

V. Kertikova-Tapcheva